Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Building More Fulfilling Relationships - The Bridge

There is a concept that has been coming into my sessions with clients when we are talking about their relationships.  I often, along with the people I work with, see things in pictures.  The image of a bridge has surfaced.  A bridge links one piece of land or matter to another.  The link can be over water, sometimes a stream and then perhaps a part of the ocean; a deep gorge; somewhere in the jungle; or within a building.  If you look at your relationship as a bridge, what type is it?  What is the first thought that comes into your mind?  Does the thought of something like the London Bridge come up?  Or perhaps one of those old, mossy foot bridges that sway when you step on it.  Could it be a covered wooden bridge?  And, is this what you want it to be?  If not, what needs to happen to change the look and feel of this relationship representation?

We can also look at the pieces that make up your bridge with your loved one?  Is it that you laugh a lot together and enjoy gardening?  Is it that you both are great parents together and love to cook?  Perhaps you like the same t.v. shows, going out to dinner and have a wonderful sexual connection?  Are there parts to the bridge that could be stronger - or more flexible?  Are there some places in the connection that need to be repaired?

I invite you to try on this exercise.  Let me know how it goes.  I would welcome hearing your experience.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

50 Shades of Grey intrigue

A young girl, who's a virgin, luring a rich, powerful man to reveal his feelings and, perhaps, actually connect.  Is this the allure that has so many women reading the book and seeing the movie?  There is a lot of controversy about this story.  Some think that it is promoting domestic violence and rape, some think it is unveiling an exciting sexual intrigue, while others think it is simply a poorly written book and badly acted film.  The question I want to raise is:  what is sex to us now in our 2015 world?  Is it a sacred act?  Is it sinful and only to be done for procreation?  Is it a means of ultimate connection?  Or is sex another expression of unfulfilled needs or unresolved trauma?  Look for my next post for further discussion!!
Here's a link to help us explore one perspective...