Sunday, November 22, 2015

Brene Brown's definition of trust

Oprah Winfrey hosted a talk by Brene Brown on trust.  With sex addiction or infidelity trust is a key component in healing.  However isn't this an integral component in all relationships?  I believe trusting each other is a large part of being human.  Current theories abound with our being hard wired in our brains to attach to other human beings.  In 2015, this can become complicated with leaving our families to pursue employment opportunities, sometimes in other states or countries.  Technology can scramble the brain as to who we are "connected to".  Information coming from multiple sources can create an overwhelm to our nervous systems as can demands around family, friends, and jobs.

Brene Brown outlines what creates trust with a nice acronym, B-R-A-V-I-N-G.

  • B - Boundaries
  • R - Reliability
  • A - Accountability
  • V - (the) Vault
  • I - Integrity
  • N - Non-judgement
  • G - Generosity
Boundaries - This seems to have a negative connotation when I talk with people.  Stating where you stand allows others to become safe and know where they stand.

Reliability - Brene says this is you do what you say you are going to do and you do that over and over again.  I think of consistency when I hear this.

Accountability - this is about owning your part of things; apologizing when we make mistakes and making amends.

Vault - What I heard was, put simply, don't gossip.  And Brene explained it as 'what you share with me, I will hold in confidence'. And when someone else shares something, I do not share it with you or anyone else.

Integrity - Putting courage over comfort, practicing your values and putting right over fun, fast and easy.

Non-Judgement - Not having judgement and also being vulnerable enough to ask for help.  So, not being judgmental towards yourself or others is how I see this.

Generosity - Assume the most generous thing.  This rings with giving people the benefit of a doubt.  Some may think this is naive, however would you rather be suspicious or benevolent?

Without trust, there is not connection. Without connection there is no intimacy which is what we all, on a core level, crave.  Maybe we can each take some time in the coming week to do a check on how we are living our lives according to Brown's BRAVING elements.

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